Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Clap on...Clap out....

Today was Corey's last day of school at JC Sommer Elementary. It was both sad and exciting. Sad because he has become so fond of this school and adapted so well after moving so far from everything and everyone he had ever known.
The whole school lined up (along with parents) and "clapped out" all the fourth graders as they left the school. Some kids cheered, others cried. As you can see, Corey did pretty well. He loves J.C., but is excited to go to Park Street next fall.
Here is Corey with his partner in crime Kyle. Mrs. Cottrell, their teacher, joined them for one last picture.
Change is sometimes scary, but I think these kids are secure enough in themselves to accept change with open minds. It doesn't hurt that they have slushies at lunch time to look forward to!! Intermediate they come!!

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