Sunday, December 30, 2007

This rat world we live in........

I spent the morning pondering,"how do you really find contentment???" is it in the joy of having your family?? is it your friends??? what tangible items you surround yourself with??? Well, I can tell is not the hamster (glorified rat) that my children have. This new addition to our family gives me the willies and makes my worry that it is gonna give my kids some disease that will make them be seperated from the population. But I guess I need to look at it from their point of view. Sarah Kate has reminded me that this (rat) is a child of God as much as we are so I have to love him...."God expects us to" she tells me. Yes, my child is very literal. But in all, she is right. It is the little things when it is all said and done that makes us appreciate all the The Lord has give to us.

I pray that each and every one of you will find "the little things" this coming year and make the most of those things because they can be gone in a minute. Take time the time to love,learn and listen.

Happy New Year........

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another year...fresh starts.......

Well, they say this is the time of year to begin something new so here it goes!
I am Debbie Wilson, wife of Buzz, mother of Corey and Sarah Kate and of course the big dumb dog ben. I have been told this is the easiest way to stay in touch with those afar so here it goes. I will forwarn you, I sometime ramble..... sometimes...laugh at myself...but more than likely both of those will be about someone else. That is just the way it goes in my life.
We moved to Grove City a little over two years ago and it was the best thing ever for our family. We love it here and are truly blessed by great friends.
So I welcome you to join me in this blogging journey.....
Happy Blogging!!!!