Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Birthday PaPa......

My grandfather was THE BEST! I know we all feel that way about someone, but I am so not lying here. No, do not get me wrong....he was a pigheaded slovak, but he also had a heart the size of Texas. I was lucky enough to spend alot of time growing up, playing cards (which he often won),listening to stories,trying to learn slovak...but mostly, just being loved.

He passed away when I was 18. It was very sudden,despite his many years of being ill. A car hit our home with four drunks in it, his anurism burst and he died later that night. If the car would have entered the kitchen, I would not be blogging this to you right now. God spared me that day. I guess my work was not done.

Today would have been his 94th birthday. As most of you know, my grandma passed away this past September. It was not as hard to let her go, because I knew he was waiting on her on the other side. He has been waiting 19 long years. I am so glad they are both at peace.

I guess I was lucky to have at least known three of my grandparents. I am thankful for the time we have on earth with those we love. Enjoy each with all you have......

Happy Birthday PaPa.....I love you.........


Dave said...

Hey Wilson, send down a Pumkin Pie baby!!!

debbieingrovecity said...

If it would not crush.....I would. I made a bunch before my surgery so that Buzz could fill up!!

If I could find a would be yours......
Love ya all...