Monday, October 6, 2008

Who says you can't go home????

Have you ever had the chance to go "home" and once you are there, realize things change more than you think?? Well, I went back to Bellaire this weekend and was lucky enough to hang out with one of my sister chicks.

Lori and I have been friends for about 24 years...gosh, it did not seem like it had been that long while we laughed and shared this weekend. It is amazing to me that I have someone in my life who knows me that well. All my secrets, all of desires,all of my mistakes and she still loves me. That is friendship. I am not saying that there have not been years when we didn't see each other or even talk for that matter, cause there were. But what is so great, is that we were able to pick up where we left off and time never changed the bond that we have always had.

My hearts desire for all of you, is that you are blessed enough to have someone in your life, like I have. Someone that will accept you for who you are, laugh at you when you need it and cry with you when your heart is broken. My mom always told me that my Aunt Pat is "her person". They have been friends for years and cherish each other for what they have brought to each others lives. I pray that Lori and I will be able to be there for each other as long as my mom and Aunt Pat have been there for each other.

I love ya girl.....

1 comment:

Lori said...

Thanks for visiting with me. It was wonderful to catch up with you. Rather than cry...I'm going to smile because you are my friend.
Hopefully we can get together again.
Love ya girl!