Monday, October 13, 2008

Is life crazy or is it us??

What a week!! As you all know, I have not found my groove since going back to work. I am still trying to fit everything into my schedule as if I were a stay at home mom. That is not working out so well for me. I finally burned out and ended up with a sinus infection this week. Of course, I am sure it had nothing to do with all the kids that come into school with runny noses and coughs and then wipe their germs on you as you get a hug!?!?! Now that is sharing!!

Anyway, I guess we just need to stop and spend more time figuring out what is important. Not only to me, but to my family. I am really trying to give the kids more choices and freedom with decisions. You know, the little stuff that is big stuff to them. I need to have all my answers in advance and so this is not real easy for me, but I am trying. Why is it we need to always know WHY?? Why can not we not just say BECAUSE or WHY NOT and leave it at that.

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. I just read a blog from my friend Tina's friend Melanie. Her son Drew was stillborn and when I checked her blog today, there he was. They had a photographer take pictures of him. It completely broke my heart. Then I felt dumb for complaining about time management or anything else that is "wrong" in my world. It makes all those little things go away..not so important anymore.

So, tonight, Sarah Kate and I are going to ice the 3 dozen sugar cookies I made this morning (because she asked me to) and tonight after she goes to bed, I am gonna spend some one on one time with Corey and be thankful that even though somethings might not have gotten done today, I get to touch each of my children and be grateful that they are tucked in their beds and that I get a chance to love on them another day.

1 comment:

the burchard bunch said...

it does put it all in perspective doesn't it??? They are an amazing family and Drew couldn't have been more loved had he been on this Earth 100 years:) Keep praying for them.. Melanie and Jeff are doing really, really well~some days are just harder than others, but the grace they have shown is unbeliveable. If you wanna check out their latest family pics, go to the photography blog on my links and scroll down a bit. You'll see their precious family! and keep checking that blog this week! We just had ours done last night and they should be up by Friday:) Love and miss ya girl!~