Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkins here,pumpkins there,pumpkins everywhere

We got up this morning to go to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. For some reason you can not call it a festival. People in Circleville will hang you over a fire if you do. Anywho, it is a pumpkin festival to me. The largest pumpkin this year was 1,410 lbs. That is alot of pie!!!

So, after the many games we played (brought home 2 fish), the pumpkin donuts, pumpkin brownie and of course for Buzz, pumpkin fudge, we were able to go pick our pumpkin from the patch. Corey found this huge pumpkin, tried to pick it up and dropped it. Well, it left this stuff on his hands that looked like poop. It was so much fun to watch him stand in the middle of this huge patch and just stare at this strange stuff on his hands. Yes, I love to laugh at my kids!! I do it often!! Needless to say, we got a nice size to carve next week!

It was a nice time this morning with just the family. Sometimes you just need those uneventful time with each other. Anyone else got their pumpkins yet????

1 comment:

the burchard bunch said...

we went to a corn maze/pumpkin patch yesterday too:)

there must be a pumpkin shortage or something...'cause they were the saddest little things I'd ever seen!
I guess we'll be heading to Costco to get our biggins'next week!!

*thanks for the birthday wishes... you were officially the first to ring in 35!!! aaghhhh.... did I just say 35??? How did I get to freakin' old???