Thursday, October 23, 2008

things that make me smile...

I think we often take the little things in our lives for granted. When you sit in a room with your husband and it is quiet because you do not need to fill that space with talk. When you look at your kid and she has no teeth but yet her smile is as wide as the state of Texas. Or when it is a comment that you can not help but laugh at.

This week at the daycare, the kids got to participate in pumpkin carving. They were so excited to get there hands all gooey and dig out those seeds. Well, we have this little one in our two year old class and she is as smart as a tack. She misses NOTHING and knows EVERYTHING. If you don't believe me, you can ask her.

Well, in the afternoon, she was coloring and we told her her to draw a picture of the jack o lantern like we carved in the morning. She was trying to draw and had no success because she is two. Well all of a sudden she perks up and says "I can't seem to draw a jaculator". Of course I had to have her repeat it because I thought I missed something along the way. No such luck, she said it again...and again...and again... But it was so innocent, that all I could was laugh.

Everyone, her mother included has been working on correcting this name, but she continues to call it such. I told her to say pumpkin because it is easier! But once again, it is the simplest of things that can bring a smile to your face. Hope this brings one to yours as you carve your "jack o lantern" this season!

1 comment:

Anita said...

A little jaculator every once in a while makes everyone smile!