Monday, August 11, 2008

Garden full of veggies......

This past spring I decided to plant a garden once again. Last year, I had some tomatoes and that was about all. As you can see, my pumpkin has decided to grow and the kids have been so excited about having it for halloween. I hope it is still good by then......
Here is my pride and green peppers.....for those of you who eat these things, I am excited they grew because they are so expensive at the store. Look pappy....wouldn't they make great stuffed peppers????
Here are my salsa peppers! We have gotten about a dozen off the plant so far and I have been able to make salsa for myself and share with my neighbor. Between her herbs and my peppers, we are able to have some great treats!
Here are my first of MANY tomatoes to turn red. When they come in, it will be crazy. Right now, I have at least 25 green tomatoes...with a bunch of buds to start. Looks like I will be busy canning!! Don't worry Pappy, we can make chilli when you come....
Here is a view of the chaos of my garden. Between the three tomatoe plants..four if you include the one that came up on its own (which has three small tomaotes Dad) and the vines of the is a daily chore to go out there and mess with it. But to tell you the truth, I love it and am very thankful for the food and the relaxation it gives me to go out and do. So, Pappy, thanks for the attention you gave to the garden while you were here...sorry you won't be here to reap all the benefits. Next year, we need to plan a later trip to Ohio.....

1 comment:

Lori said...

ok Suzie homemaker. You are making the rest of us look bad! I'm still having a hard time with you gardening because aren't you the one who doesn't like cotton? It's much less messy than dirt! haha
You go girl!