Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well, tonight I was lucky enough to have one of my favorite Sister-chicks over for dinner. My friend Alison moved to WVa in December (trust me..this was not her choice!). They finally sold their house here in "the tucky" and are closing on it tomorrow. She has been busy at work all week packing boxes and moving furniture so I made a great dinner....even better dessert and we had lots of laughs..even if it was only for a short time.
I of all people understand how difficult it is to move. We have moved from family more than once and begun new lives. But ya know, when you put yourself out there, God can bless you in ways you never imagine. If He had not moved us from Florida, I would have never met Alison (and many others like her) and I would have missed out on some great friendships.
I am once again thanking and praising Him for the works He has done in my life.
I miss ya when your gone Alison and look forward to our time together get to bring the fruit loops!!

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