Thursday, May 1, 2008

Taking Chances

It is always hard to take chances. The worry of the unknown. The worry of things that may never happen. Just plain worry. We all do it. Deaspite the fact that it is a sin. We can't always help ourselves.

Buzz got on working with UPS when we moved here. It never developed into a full time position. He got another job that paid well, but his schedule is horrible and not always family friendly. He interviewed today with UPS and was offerred a job. It is not guarenteed full time after the summer season, but we are praying it will be. Life does not guarentee you anything. Life is about taking chances and praying that it all works out in the end. My prayer is that everything we have been through has happened because we needed to get to this point.

I am asking all of you to pray for this situation. We believe that God has opened this door (so easily) to less complicate our lives and bring our family back to evening dinners together and weekends for fellowship and for Buzz to get back to church EVERY week with his family.

Please pray for us........I'll keep you updated.....

1 comment:

the burchard bunch said...

We will be praying for you guys... I know his schedule has always been crazy... I didn't realize that trend had continued when you guys moved... Change is easy, hard, crazy and beautiful all at the same time. God is good and He will always provide what we need, when we need it. Rusty and I have found this out this past year, all too well! Keep us posted!! Some day, girl, we will actually have to tear up the phone lines :)