Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Saying goodbye.......

Well, as you all know we got another dog last week. She is really cute, but things are not working out so well. She has snipped at Sk and now she is growling at Ella Grace. As many of you know, we have alot of kids in and out of the house and I can not risk having a child bitten.
I warned Sk yesterday and so tomorrow morning, Isaboo is going back. I tried to do the right thing and save a dog who needed ahome, but not at the risk of a child. Please pray that Sk deals with this well and adjusts to not having Isaboo around.
ben on the other hand will be greatful to have his home back!!

1 comment:

the burchard bunch said...

That's a hard break.... So sorry. I will be praying for Sarah Kate and for you guys. I applaud you for taking the steps necessary to protect the kids (both yours and "yours") That just shows what an awesome mom you are!!