Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Sarah Kate

Sarah Kate turns 7 tomorrow and we had her birthday bash on Friday night. Out of all the things she wanted, she has never had a slumber party so this was the year for it.
This is the whole crowd, except for Kylie. She did not get to spend the night so she came over in the morning for breakfast. 10 girls in all...YES, I had lost my mind. They were loud, silly and full of fun. I am so glad that Sarah Kate has some pretty cool friends...

We decided to make this slumber party cake since it was the best theme. She and the girls loved it! I was glad that I can still make her happy. Tomorrow we are having her special birthday dinner (homemade pizza) and she gets to open presents from the family. Can't wait to see her face when she opens those presents!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl...You were worth the three days of labor..patosen..and emergency c-section......:)


Lori said...

Looks like fun! What a cute idea for a cake. Are they at the stay up all night phase??? Hope you got some sleep.
Happy Birthday Sarah Kate!!!

the burchard bunch said...

how is it possible that she's 7??? It seems like just yesterday little LuLu was waddling around.... boy are we getting old:)