Friday, January 23, 2009

Saying Goodbye......

This has been a tough week. I have spent alot of time, reading my bible, praying and hoping that life's ride does not have too many more turns. I know that life would be boring if it were always the same, but this has ben a bit much.

My BFF Rose (Stacie) started the week with a call saying that her grandfather's house had burnt down and he was in it. He is doing well, despite the fact the doctors did not believe he would make it. Of course he has a long road ahead. He is a stubborn man and because of it, still alive.

We all know that the economy is bad and UPS has slowed down. Buzz has only worked one day this week. I am very greatful for my job so that I can be a helpmate at this time and provide for my family.

On Thursday, my friend Lori called to tell me that a dear friend from high school passed away. Despite the fact that I had not seen her in years, she was a person that touched my life and brought much joy and happiness to the time we had together. Renee was a great person, a great mother and a great friend. No matter how much time could ever pass, you would give you a huge smile and of course make fun of me and say "what's ump???" Long story... that is another blog for another time.

I am asking all of you to pray for her family, her husband and her 7 yr old son. Please, if there is someone you want to reconnect with it. There are no promises for a tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your prayers :) Gramps waved goodbye last night with 3 of his fingers. It was truly a miracle that he has survived. Love ya !!