Sunday, May 10, 2009

CORRECTION........I can't count.....

For some reason, I miss counted on my sisters in law. I guess that is what happens when you get behind on your bloggin and try to fit everything in on one day. Here is just a little bit about all:

Trish. She is married to my brother Don. I have known her since I was 8 years old. Yeah...that means Don is ALOT older than me (haha). At first, I did not like her very much because she took all of my brothers attention away from me. Don and I were close and I did not like that. But what I failed to uderstand at 8, is that she proved to be more than my brothers girlfriend. She was the person who fought for me when my brothers were mean....cry on her shoulder when my heart was broke and kept my kids for me when she was the only other person I trusted. I have been blessed to have her as a sister for more than 25 years....She has given me my Jess and Ryan

Jenn. She is married to my brother in law Chris. Jenn and I are alot alike. Not sure if that is good or not, but we are. We share alot of the same views about life and she has been very supportive when I have needed that person to understand. I would not trade her for anything and feel very blessed that our kids are close and look forward to sharing much more in the future. She has given me my Lindsay.

Kim. She is married to my brother Mark. I have been lucky (or unlucky) to share alot of "life's crap" with her since we have both been through it. It is great to have someone to talk to who understands and I hope that I can always be that person for her. She has given me my Ella Kay.

last is Missy. She is married to my brother in law Pete. I am very excited about Missy because I do not know what blessings hold for us. She and Pete have only been married for a few years and we do not get to see each other much. thanks to facebook, we are able to keep tabs on ech other much easier. She is a very gentle and kind hearted person and I look forward to seeing what God has planned for our relationship. She has given me Bella (who we call izzy).

I hope that everyone is as lucky as I have been to share my life with such great women.....

1 comment:

The Mason family said...

aww.... there is no one else that I would rather share life's crap with. Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me... for US! I LOVE YOU!!!