Friday, February 27, 2009

I am getting bad at this.....

Hey friends......I have been so busy with "life" that I have not been a good blogger. It seems like life just gets me spinning and when it is time to stop spinning, I have my butt in a chair and some sort of crafting needles in my hands and and am too lazy to share.

So, let's start with SK. She has had a crazy week. She is having issues with a little boy in her class. I am trying to pray for him cause if I don't, I might want to kick him in the butt. Ya know what I am talking about...Momma bear wants to protect her cub. Please pray next week is better. She is happy at the moment. She got a new kitten tonight names Izzy. I wish I could tell you how sweet she is, but we took her out of her cage and I have hardly seen her.

Then there is Corey. Is it written somewhere that when you turn 11, your hearing is lost and you sort of lose your mind??? I know it is pre-teen, but I am not sure he will make it to 13. He is a great kid, but there are times.......

Buzz, let's see..he has worked one day in the last 10. Volume is really down @UPS so please pray that he gets work and lots of it...

Me.....between all of my hobbies, I just need a day of rest. I am hoping that will be this weekend. So enough about are you guys?????


the burchard bunch said...

Glad your back in the blogging world again girl! I missed your witty posts:) We are doing well... Janice on the other hand, is not... be praying for her, and for Larry. Two days ago she took a turn for the worst and now they are giving her days, maybe up to a week or two.... It's been a tough road, but God is in control :-)

Anonymous said...

Love to ready your posts!