Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Tonight is Halloween. This is Sarah Kate and her friend Morgan. They got to see each other before we went uptown to Boo on Broadway to trick or treat. Morgan is such the rock star and Sarah Kate our geesha girl.
Corey (The dead man) and Sarah Kate in front of the house before obtaining more candy than two children need in one night. Boo on Broadway is really cool. Grove City has a "downtown" which is more mom and pop stores and such which is separated from the chain retaurants and stuff part of town. This is where the farmers markets and parades and stuff are held. All the businesses host the event and the streets are closed down and spooky music is played over the intercom. The kids love it!

Buzz and I went way out on a limb and went as our two favorite teams!! I know..mind boggling isn't it. By Friday I am so tired, that I am lucky that I got there on time. We did the whole downtown thing and then hit the neighborhood for the rest of the time.

Corey, Ben, Sarah Kate and Caitlyn all looking very cool in their costumes. I am so glad that these kids have remained friends since we have moved here. So..I hope that all of your gobblins had a great time and filled their pockets full of items that will make them hurl and teeth rot. Happy Halloween!!

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