Friday, August 8, 2008

The New Do.....

Well, Sarah Kate had finally had enough and decided to cut her hair off. She has been growing it out for two years and yesterday, she said she was sick of taking care of it so to the salon we went!
She has been prancing around my house like nobody's business. She glances at herself at the mirror....puts her hands through it..even the "BAM..I look good"!! Thank you Lord she was not twins!!

So here you go Grandma...hope you like it as much as she does!! Anyone have any suggestions about the loss of teeth?!?!?


Anonymous said...

the haircut is adorable (just like SK!) but I am glad you mentioned the teeth... I was gonna ask if she had been in a bar fight!!!

BTW: Carter's two front teeth just came in this summer from when Cooper knocked them out!!


Anita said...

I love it baby girl! Watch out 2nd grade boys- here come beautiful!

Lori said...

Very cute! Easy to'll be happier too. As for the teeth...maybe she could borrow grandma's. j/k lol;)