Thursday, May 29, 2008

On route for a paper

God forbid Corey give me a smile and you would never know he was happy to begin his paper route today...but he was. The workingman delivers local papers on Thursday afternoons.
He will deliver around 95 papers each week and make about 15.00-20.00 a month . Trust me, He has about 100.00 spent already before he ever makes it on the things he wants to purchase.
I told him that as soon as he gets his first check, he can open a savings account and get a bank card. That excites him! I did however explain that he must have money in the account to use the card. Yes, I thought is a good idea to teach him that at an early age.

Well, one week down, four more before he gets a check!!


the burchard bunch said...

do I read correctly that he will deliver almost 400 papers, by foot, and get $15 a month??? he's a better man than me! tell him, Miss Tina's proud of him!! and yeah--- you'd think he could actually smile every so often!!Maybe he's sad 'cause he's getting jipped :) Ha Ha

debbieingrovecity said...

Hey, It is good exercise and it is money to spend ant way he wants. It is small little papers. The area is not big so it is not like delivering The Columbus Dispatch.
I love that he is motivated to want to make his own money!!

the burchard bunch said...

I was just teasing.... It's hard to believe he's even big enough to have a job!!

debbieingrovecity said...

Trust me...I say that everyday. That is how I felt when I saw your recent video of the kids. Carter sounds just like Abby did!!